Career Coaching

Do you want to do something more fulfilling? Maybe part of you is excited to make a change, and another part is holding back, not entirely sure what you want next. A change, or dare I say, a re-invention, can feel like a scary leap. But you don't have to do all the thinking and leaping alone. If you have a clear goal, I can help you revise your resume, cover letter or business plan to move towards that goal. If your goal is more like a vague outline, I can help you fill in the picture.

Finding Your Place
You’d like to do work that’s more socially meaningful, but you’re not sure what kind of jobs you’re competitive for, or how to land them. You’d love some help putting together a compelling resume, cover letter and interview. Over twenty years in the social sector, I've worked in global health, domestic public health, substance abuse, criminal justice, leadership development, and public benefit programs. I've gained a breadth of experience as a hiring manager, hiring over a hundred people into different kinds of roles. I can help you find your place.

Working Abroad
Working abroad presents a unique combination of excitement and challenge -- navigating a new place and learning a new culture while performing at a high level and building a new personal life. Resource-limited settings include an extra helping of complexity as infrastructure you might usually take for granted may not be reliable, like power, sanitation, or transportation. The ability to be adaptive and creative is highly valued in these settings, but these abilities can be hard to sustain. Let's talk about how you set yourself up to thrive when working abroad.